
Den Brother (Teen Shopper background) Disney Channel Movie

The Sound of Music (Kurt) Tuacahn Amphitheater

Les Misérables (Gavroche u/s) Tuacahn Amphitheater

Beauty and the Beast (Chip) Hurricane High School

Joseph . . . Dreamcoat (Chorus) Hurricane High School

Washington County Middle School Honors Orchestra
Featured performer at the Dickens’ Festival, St. George
Hurricane Middle School Orchestra: Principle Bassist
Hurricane Intermediate Honors Orchestra: Principle Bassist


Karate (Black Belt) Ace Karate Academy
Tap Talented Toes Studio
Film Acting Workshop Jeff Johnson (Disney Casting Agent)
Acting Workshop Heidi Anderson (Actor’s Equity Assoc.)
String Bass Debbie Thornton & Carolyn Ferrin
Drums Ted Jensen & Heber White

Hobbies:Karate, video games, reading, writing, Boy Scouts (Life Scout, Order of the Arrow)

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